Below are some creative endeavors of people outside of painting that I have been enjoying:
TV Show - Please Like Me
This is a show about 20-something Australians who face fairly typical life situations but with really fabulous senses of humor. It's based on the life of the main character, Josh Thomas. You can watch illegally online, here's a preview, and listen to an interview with him on Fresh Air here.
Album --The Stray Birds -- Best Medicine
Snapped this picture at World Cafe Live a few days ago at the Stray Birds concert. They are a nearly local band, from Lancaster, PA and Alex found them via Pandora which meant they could have been from anywhere. Unbelievable talent with string instruments, I love the voice of the female vocalist -- listen to her sing an old favorite of mine here, or a new favorite here. (note: I am not a country listener but I love them, give it a chance)

Audio -- Serial Podcast
This American Life just launched a spinoff podcast and I'm hooked. Serial tells one story over multiple episodes, this first series re-investigates an old murder case, digging into court documents and speaking with multiple sources including the convicted murderer. It is unfolding in such a way that feels very unbiased and thorough and leaves me feeling very conflicted. Just listen here, you will not be disappointed but you will be waiting anxiously for Thursday to come each week.

Book-- A Tale For the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki
Recently finished this book for a book club I have yet to attend. Which sucks because I want to discuss it with other people. Written from two points of view, there are conflicting paragraphs of blunt wording and others of poetic language that weave together into a very thoughtful narrative.
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