Landscape with Bather, 2011, Acrylic on Canvas |
Bathers(akimbo), 2011, Acrylic on Linen |
Romanesque 2, 2009, Acrylic on Linen |
Pines, 2011, Acrylic on Canvas |
Small Woods, 2008, Acrylic on Canvas |
Small Landscape, 2011, Acrylic on Wood |
The work of
David Holt, is some of my favorite painting I have found via the internet in the last year. His work is one of those that I debate sharing with others in my most selfish moments, because it is just so good I want to keep it to myself! But they are the type of paintings you can learn a lot from, so I must share the wealth.
He has a few long running subjects including botanicals, architectural ruins, bathers and fossils/natural history. On top of the subject matter, you can read his interest and understanding of art history and painting in the beautiful compositions and mark making. The color usually operates in these cool blues, pinks and dirty greens -- really stunning combinations -- I imagine in person the depth of color to be even richer.
I am hoping to see the work in person in the future (it has been at Bowery Gallery, NY in the past), his work has most recently been shown with Loop Gallery in Toronto, Canada.
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