It is a new year and I think it's going to be a fabulous year for art. There are so many things I plan on seeing and have just seen that are exciting. On the list:
1. Interiors at Andrew Kreps
From the press release: "The show highlights the rich optical and visual layers and patterning consistent in each of the artists’ work, depicting interior spaces full of feeling, psychological depth and a sense of remembrance – a domestic hedonism, or meditations on the nature of time, perception and memory."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
2. The Common Object, Zeuxis at MICA
"The artists showcasing work in the exhibition are: Martha Armstrong, Richard Baker , Rita Baragona, Lucy Barber, William Barnes, Temma Bell, Suzanne Biggins, Rick Brazill, Susan Cohen, Kate Emlen, Bevin Engman, Phyllis Floyd, Stanley Friedman, Elizabeth Geiger, John Goodrich, Christine Hartman, Robert Jessel, Mark Karnes, Catherine Kehoe, Tim Kennedy, Deborah Kirklin, Carmela Kolman, Lynn Kotula, Penny Kronengold, Richard La Presti, Ginger Levant, Ying Li, Sydney Licht, Anthony Martino, Margaret McCann, Ruth Miller, Janice Nowinski, Don Southard, Sandra Stone, Amy Weiskopf, Megan Williamson and Sharon Yates." !!!!
3. Snapshot: Painters and Photography, Bonnard to Vuillard at The Phillips Collection
No need to elaborate here--this is a dream come true
4. Working Drawing at Camden Rutgers Center for the Arts
The exhibition features the work of Julian Hatton, Sangram Majumdar, John Newman, Bruce Pollock, Bruce Samuelson, Joan Snyder and Sandy Winters. The exhibition explores the continuing vitality of drawing as a means of expression in itself and as part of a process leading to other bodies of work.
Right across the Ben Franklin Bridge!
I figured instead of giving a summary after I see the show, I would post these before I go because I hate when there is a show I read about in the paper or online and its too late to make it myself! Can't wait for all of these wonderful shows!